The Apprentice of Arabella Read online

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  Once we reached the city square, I swallowed what little saliva I had left in my mouth. It was a scene out of hell. Crucified bodies of elven women and children lined the streets, most disemboweled but many still lived and thrashed in agony and their death throws, others lay on the streets. Those still living made efforts to stuff their entrails back into their mutilated bodies. I felt my gorge rise as I witness this hellish scene.

  You are impacted by the Horror debuff -5% to all actions

  I felt nauseous at the sight as soldiers tried to save the victims of this heinous act. Then I heard something over the raging fires. It sounded like a scream unlike anything I had ever heard. I swear it was the sound of the damned souls tortured for ever in the pits of Hades or Tartarus. Then I saw a wall of flame surround us and then seep over us.

  X - X - X

  I shot up shuddering from where I lay my body in a sweat, and looked around wildly.

  “You are back with us oh traveler.”

  I kept shuddering, my eyes must have been wild from my ordeal. I was hoping what I had seen was but a dream.

  I felt a strong arm support my back and felt cool water as it was offered to me in a wooden dipper. “Drink! It will help calm the fears.”

  Greedily, I slurped the water and tried to let its coolness wash away the fire that had filled my mind. I swear I smelled charred flesh.

  The strong arm eased me back and then I finally get a look at the old man I saw sitting there. He was shorter than I, but was the same race as myself.

  “What happened?” I asked weakly.

  “Your spirit quest was successful. We now know your true name!” He sounded exultant. God, if he had only known what I had been through to get it.

  “And it is?” I said weekly

  “You are the Night Singing Death Bringer on Twilights Wind.” At these words my mind faded out.


  Chapter 7

  When I awoke, it was to an empty camp site with a smoldering fire. I think it was just after dawn. I didn’t know how long I’d been out, but I thought it was time for me to review my character sheet then maybe log out and take stock fo the situation.

  Name: Lorcan Race: Wood Sprite Class: Bard


  8-Strength - carry 80 pounds and 0.8% Damage to weapons damage and Energy regeneration

  8-Agility - 0.8% increase weapon skill and avoid damage

  10-Endurance - 80hp to base HP and 2% to base Energy pool

  12-Intelligence - 120 to base Mana pool and 1.2% spell damage

  8-Wisdom - 0.8% recovery base Mana regeneration rate

  12-Charisma - 1.2% increase in favor-ability from NPC’s

  10-Luck - 2% increase to all positive rolls or negative rolls

  Mana Pool: 240

  Hit Points: 120

  Energy Points: 122


  Magic Missile - Mana cost 10 damage X 1.2% bonus to damage=10

  Levitate - Mana cost 12 Mana Per second


  Song of Healing - Energy cost 20 and 20 HP +5hp per second for 30 seconds

  Song of Courage - Energy Cost 80 Increases a players HP by 10% and damage by 5%

  Song of derision - Energy cost 40 Defuffs enemy with -5% to hit and -5% damage, may act as a Taunt.

  Known Skills:

  Alchemy: Neophyte

  Blacksmith: Apprentice

  Cooking: Journeyman

  Engineer: Apprentice

  Farmer: Apprentice

  Gem Cutter: Apprentice

  Herbalist: Apprentice

  Jeweler: Apprentice

  Leather working: Apprentice

  Gem Cutter: Apprentice

  Lore Master: Apprentice

  Medic: Apprentice

  Weapon smith: Apprentice

  Wood Worker: Apprentice

  Martial Skills:

  Thrown weapons: Neophyte

  Bows: Apprentice

  Swords: Neophyte

  Exotic weapons: Neophyte

  Polearms: Journeyman

  Unarmed combat: Apprentice

  What in the…I thought to myself. How did I learn all these skills? This seemed one more question I would have to Find out. From what I had read, the skill system was very in-depth. There were five levels neophyte, apprentice, journeyman, master, and finally, grand master of a craft. You earned points in the skill when you made an item or used the skill successfully. From neophyte to apprentice it should take fifty points, and apprentice to journeyman it should take one hundred points. So all the skills I had started with seemed unprecedented.

  I was worried that this might affect my game or character if this was an error on the system’s part. I thought about it very hard. On one hand, this could work out great for me. On the other hand, is this something they could strip my account away from me for? I gave into my better angel and logged a ticket for an admin.

  Help Desk: Character creation>Exploit

  My character seems to have started off with to many professions or skills. Would like to resolve before I begin serious play.

  I wasn’t sure how long that would take, but I figured I might as well log out and get something to eat. But before I could I got a request for a chat.

  “Administrator #James31007; Hello Lorcan How can we aid you today?” came the first message.

  “Lorcan; I was just looking at my character’s sheet and it looks like I have to many skills. I don’t want this to cause a problem or anything.” I replied.

  “Administrator #James31007; I can understand that. Can I have permission to review your character sheet and character creation? It should only take a few minutes.”

  Grant Permission for administration to view character sheet? Yes/No.

  I thought to the system Yes and then waited. About thirty seconds later I got a reply.”

  “Administrator #James31007; Uhh, I’m sorry this is quite odd. From the file everything looks legitimate. I agree, though, most players start with no skills. I’m going to have to bump this up to a senior administrator.”

  I swallowed. What Had I gotten myself into?

  “Administrator #M31001; Hi Lorcan. Let me review the file. It shows your character was created 13 hours ago. Minimal game play. And characteristics, are good your skills are…Wow! Impressive”

  “Lorcan: Uh thanks, I think, but is there a glitch?”

  “Administrator #M31001; I don’t think its a glitch so much as an unanticipated consequence of changes admins have made for character creation. Just a moment… let me check something.”

  I sat and waited for what seemed like forever as I pondered how had I been playing for thirteen hours. I finally decided I’d been blacking out far to much for my comfort.

  “Administrator #M31001; Lorcan are you there still?”

  “Lorcan: Yes… “

  I replied hesitantly.

  “Administrator #M31001; According to the logs you allowed the system to scan your mind before character creation.”

  I thought allowed wasn’t the exact words. “Lorcan: I remember the scan and the splitting headache, but yes, if you say so”

  “Administrator #M31001; Ah, yes, well, the system shows that you were awarded the maximum number of skills the system could grant without administration permissions. Its all based on your real world knowledge it would seem…”

  “Lorcan; Ok so its not a problem? I asked tentatively.

  “Administrator #M31001; I have to forward this for further review, but at this time I think your character is safe. Enjoy your stay in Arabella. You may receive a quality survey. Please fill it out and let us know how we did.”

  I sighed after a few minutes when he hadn’t messaged me further. Then I logged out. I needed a shower food, and time to think.

  X - X - X

  After I had refreshed myself in the shower, I dressed in my spare clothes: Jeans and a shirt. I guess it was my unofficial uniform. I headed to the cafeteria two floors below. As I rode down in the elevator,
I thought I might need to get one or two sets of clothes. I wondered if there was a secondhand shop nearby. Thoughts of new clothes left my mind as I caught sight of the cafeteria and heard the rumbling of my stomach. I could hardly remember when I last ate.

  I noted that though the room was fairly large, there weren’t many people in the room. I supposed that was due to the time of day. It was like a1950’s dinner with white table tops, that had chrome and red cherry wood for accents. The floor was an expensive white tile. I went through with my tray and selected a few items, paying with the tag they had given me for my account through Psysoft and I noted at home I could have eaten two meals for what I had just paid. However, beggars could not be choosers. Looking around, I found a seat with my back to a wall, leaving me able to view the door. Once seated, I took out my tablet to review any information or guides I could get. Interestingly enough, I found that the Wood Sprite was one of the least played characters in the game as they had no racial bonuses to attributes, skills or proficiencies. I sat pondering that, lost in my own thoughts.

  “Mind if I join you” Came a voice i faintly recognized.

  Looking up, I saw that it was Eira from the day, two days ago now i thought.

  “Eira, isn’t it?” I said as I looked up at the woman. “And, please sit.” He gestured at one of the chairs.

  She sat, then replied, “Thanks, so how was your first day?”

  James took another bite before he replied to her. “Different. Apparently character creation took a little longer for me than I expected,” I said with a shrug. “But I guess well enough. I’ll know more once I really begin to play.”

  She looked at him the wrinkled her brow. “Wait, you don’t know yet what happened.”

  “I don’t know. I got my character made. The system had to do a brain scan. Something I never want to do again.”

  “A scan? what was that for? Usually they use your online data to help you build your character.” She said as she started to eat what looked like a bowl of oatmeal.

  “I don’t know, but after I got my character done, it ran me through what I’d guess was the introduction to the world. Then, when I looked at my character sheet thirteen hours had passed.” It's always impressive when someone chokes on oatmeal and spits it out their nose.

  Eira spent a few moments cleaning herself up as I watched. Then she looked around her and waved over a light skinned black man from another table. “Thats Malik he’s touchy, but he has to hear this.”

  Malik walked over. Well more like he sashayed over. “Hi, girl what you got going on?”

  “Malik this is James he just started the game… yesterday?” Eira said with a question in her voice.

  “Yes, yesterday, about four pm,” I confirmed. “Character creation took thirteen hours.”

  Malik’s head bobbed up in surprise. “No it didn’t. Scoot over I’ve got to hear all this.”

  I looked over at Eira and she bade me to tell the story.

  “Malik is trying to get all the information he can, he thinks there is a world quest we haven’t gotten to in the game yet.” Eira said in explanation.

  “A world quest?” I asked, for clarification and my own knowledge.

  Malik replied. “Yeah, it's a quest that affects everything in the game. Usually with a big baddie at the end that a large group will have to fight,” He said, excitedly waving his hands like a Basque fisherman. “The thing is, it’s something we as players have to figure out. Now I have a few questions… “He said as he took out a notebook.” Start with your race and class.” What followed was a very fair imitation of a police interrogation. He just refrained from using a truncheon or rubber hose.

  “So let me get this straight,” he said finally. “Your introduction was a city that was at war as you a bunch of elves and dwarves raided it over the walls?”

  I nodded as I finished up the rest of my breakfast. Then a new voice chimed in.

  “Bullshit, he’s lying to you.” The man the voice belonged to was at another table, but I could tell he’d been listening in to our conversation. ” There are so many inconsistencies with his story. First Bards can only use songs to buff and they have suckass weapons skills…” He continued in that vein for a bit. Apparently the Bard class was despised by most serious players. After he’d had his fun, he bussed his table and left.

  I looked over at Eira and Malik, a question in my eyes.

  “He’s right" Eira said "Human Bards aren’t that great, but you said your charactern was a Wood Sprite Bard which I have a feeling might be different.”

  I nodded in relief., Oh crap I thought to myself, I’m liking her.

  “What if the system generates characteristics and abilities based on race as well as the class? I mean I was reading the guides and there aren’t any other classes that use three prime characteristics” I said.

  “Wait, three primes?” Both Malik and Eira said almost in unison. Then they looked at one another. Eira spoke first. “Uh, James, there are no classes with three primes.” I handed her my tablet with the entry on the Wood Sprite Bards. They both crowded around it to look. Then they looked at each other, then at me, then back at one another. I thought for a moment that they had practiced a comedic routine.

  Malik was the first to speak. “Are you thinking?….” And Eira finished for him “Yeah I am.” Then they both smiled and looked at me. Now, I knew what the canary felt like when the cat looked in his cage. Me and my big mouth.

  “Why are you two starring at me like that.” I said nervously.

  They looked at each other then Malik replied.

  “Well, sugar, you’ve got a unique character, and that screams of all kinds of possibilities. Uhm hum.” He was making me nervous he was reminding me of this woman I had known all hopped up on religion like a junkie.


  This time Eira replied. “Unique characters often have unique quest chains. Which means money.”

  Ok this made sense now. They thought I was their freaking cash cow. “Or it could be a dead end the developers had forgotten to tie up.” I wiggled my brows at them. “Seriously, you think I will luck into a world quest my first day?” I could see that had soured their mood. “I’ll tell you what. If I get any more info on whatever it is I’ll keep you in the loop.” There, a vague promise but still enough to get me off the bait hook, I hoped. Shit, I’m glad I didn’t tell them about all my professions.

  “I have a question about leveling and how to get more stat points.” I was trying to distract them.

  Eira took that one, “You level by killing mobs…” She said as she handed me back my tablet, and I listened to what she had to say. “But you get five extra stat points at every fifth level. You can earn extra stat points with some quests, but those are hard to find, and hidden quests. The most likely way you will get them is by training on a characteristic. Just like in real life.” She pantomimed lifting weights, “weight lifting, or in the game lifting stuff at your max weight over and over. Same with any of them.”

  Then Malik broke in. The real thing, though, is gear. As you level, you need to find gear that will boos your stats. The problem is, as a lowbie you will have to farm it, as most crafters figure its a waste of time to craft gear for you that will only be used for a few levels, then tossed.” He pointed at himself. “After two years I’m a journeyman armor smith” I nodded and sighed in relief that I’d kept my skills quiet.

  “One thing take a profession as early as you can and train it.” Eira added, “Gathering skills are your first choices and you can make a little money at it, but for the most…”

  “Unless you get lucky” Malik broke in.

  “Real money will not come in until you reach level twenty in a few months.”

  I thanked them, then left. I resolved from this point on to shut my mouth and eat alone. Eira was dangerously pretty and I had a feeling that she came first, last and always to herself. I headed back to my cubby, cubicle? Hell, whatever I lived and worked in.


  Chapter 8

  I returned to my room and looked for secondhand clothing stores. I was to be disappointed and slumped at the desk I was in. I wasn’t feeling tired, so I put off the shopping until after I worked on leveling. The gel in the capsule was warm, and it brought a smile to my face. Then I fell into the game world.

  Once more, I fell down the tunnel of lights and was sitting next to the fire. It had gone out so long ago the coals had grown cold. I stood up, stretched, and looked around. I was on the crest of a low knoll. The camp overlooked a flat plain that reminded me of the steppes of Russia. The grass was about chest high turning a golden grain color, so it must have been the fall. I thought about what Malik and Eira had about gaining stat points. The easiest skills for me to work on here were agility and strength, so I performed a tai chi kata, full of resistance training and stretches for joints. I was doing my morning workout, the one I’d performed for the previous twenty years. Nothing happened, but if I kept working one day who knows.