The Apprentice of Arabella Page 15
“One would wish,” replied the second voice. “Why did Debrowski go along with him?”
“She’s stupid, selfish, egotistical and she nearly got me killed.”
The second voice grunted. “And because you don’t like working with strong women?”
“Strong women are fine, stupid ones just piss me off.”
“A statistical analysis shows there is little to no affect on the current projects with her removal,” came a third, synthesized, voice from the second speaker's wrist com. “She is a minor party functionary. Exposure to the retraining simulation will do her no harm, and the party a lot of good in reinforcement.”
“The knowledge that anyone of them can be sent to reeducation?”
“Yes. This is a new simulation. I expect great things from it… Especially from Mr Wulf.”
“What is it with him, anyway?” Asked Agent Prentice.
“Project Cassandra came up with a list of names.” There was a pause. “James Aleric Blake Wulf was one of the last names on that list. I have spent the past ten years hunting him down.”
“So, its revenge for making you hunt him?”
“No. It’s revenge for being the last name of my sister's list of people who could topple the order we bring.” It was Agent Prentice’s turn to grunt.
“Now, he is contained, and we can get back to reorganizing the Human race.” Once more the second voice grunted. “You have something to add?”
“Just wondering about the nature of Project Cassandra. I always wondered how accurate an AI could be in determining threats before they became a threat. In Ancient Greece, Cassandra only foretold self fulfilling prophecies.”
“He will never leave reeducation. Therefore, this is one more prophecy that will never be.” The second form kept his thoughts to himself, shrouded in their own form of darkness. He remembered seeing the movie Minority Report when he was a child, and thought Just like a computer to only use logic to solve a problem.
For years I’ve enjoyed other authors work. There are a few writers who's work has been the most influential to me. For anyone looking for a good fantasy book let me recommend: David Eddings; The Belgariad and David Gemmel’s: The Stones of Power and his Drenai Series. For Scifi, I fell in love with David Weber and Anne McCaffrey’s Pern:, and R. A. Heinlein; Starship Troopers is suggested reading for officers in various branches of the US Military. For Game Lit, I highly recommend Delvers LLC by Blaise Corvin.
There are truly too many writers that I have read to be able to list all who have had an influence on my work. But I have explored many other’s universes, and am now trying to create my own that I hope the readers have enjoyed and look forward to returning to as we follow James/Lorcan and his Gguild, as he learns more of the secrets of Arabella Online, and the role he has to play in affecting it and the real world.
I would like to thank the following people:
My Beta Readers;
I would also like to thank the Blade-smithing for Beginners and the Black Smithing for Beginners forums on Facebook.
I would like to extend out my thanks to the Gamelit Society Writers Workshop for your patience in helping me to craft what I believe to be a good story.
My wife for her help in editing my work (you have no idea how much work I am either:-D)
Alchemy – a tradition practiced in Europe aimed to purify or perfect an object. The precursor to chemistry
Alloy – the combination of metals or a metal and another element
Amalgamation – process of combining or uniting multiple entities into one form
Annealing - A heat treatment process to reduce a metals or other substances hardness
Blacksmith – a metalsmith who creates objects from wrought iron or steel by forging the metal, using tools to hammer, bend, and cut
Brain tanning – a process of creating leather using emulsified brain solution to keep the hide more supple and soft
Brewing – often referring to the production of alcohol specifically beer
Heat treatment – a process used to alter the physical or chemical properties of a material
Quenching - The rapid cooling of a substance (usually metal) in oil, water or air to obtain certain material properties. Most often used in metal working to harden steel
Striker – An assistant (often an apprentice) whose job is to swing a large hammer in to assist the blacksmith
Pattern – a design that is easily replicated
Pattern Welding- The practice of forming a blade of several metal pieces that are then forge welded together to form a pattern
Tempering - A process to improve the hardness or elsticity of a metal or other substance
Welding- Joining one piece of metal to another like it or similar metal.